Monday, June 24, 2013

It Is Time

My friend Dara posted something amazing on facebook.

The fact that I refer to Dara as my friend in itself is probably amazing when you consider that we've only met once! But that is just what happens in Africa. You meet people and their story becomes forever part of your journey. We experience things outside, far outside, our comfort zone and see the world through new eyes. In a world of people do not, can not, or will not understand, she is one of the people who does. And that is a precious, precious thing. She is from Minnesota, but now lives in Mozambique with her adopted daughter. You can read their story here:

Anyway, she posted a link to another blog and it conveys what I feel in my heart yet couldn't put into words.

There is absolutely nothing so remarkable about me. I didn't "deserve" to be born in North America. I didn't "earn" it. Because that is the only difference. I was born in America, and these beautiful people were born in Africa. Just as I didn't choose to be born in one of the world's most powerful countries, they certainly did not choose to born in countries torn apart by war, corruption, and poverty. It is the simplest and the hardest thing to understand and accept, but it can make all the difference.

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